Sunday, June 14, 2015

I Fall the Farthest

I fall the farthest from His grace,
when I am standing still;
It's not the idleness of my hands that lead me away,
but the idleness of my will.

In the quiet moments when peace should reign,
my thoughts drain my resolve,
its wandering lonely in my memories,
that my hope begins to dissolve.

And when I am at my weakest
and I believe I am nothing at all,
that I look down from the edge into nothingness,
and see no bottom to my fall.

"Look up, not down" I hear Him whisper,
and I feel his love soothing my fears,
as He lifts me into His arms,
His comforting voice is the only sound I hear.

He shields me from me,
for as long as I am in need,
and he waits patiently for me to stop trying to control it all,
and just lay it at His feet.

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