Sunday, June 10, 2012

Under Construction

God wants us to use the strength we have, and He will take care of the rest. 

My purpose in writing this blog is because my strength is often found not in my voice, but in my writing, because, well, I'm still learning how to open up and talk about what goes on inside my noodle and my heart. It can take a while for me to trust people enough that I can share what I'm truly feeling. However, put a keyboard or pen in my hand, and I will usually find a way to share anything you want to know - or didn't want to know and wish you'd never asked.

God's name is the first word of my first post for a very specific reason. He is first in my life, and on my worst days, even when I wish I could hide from Him, He is the one I need. He knows the worst and best of all there is to know about me, and everything in between. As intimidating as that is, it's an important thing to remember because it keeps the ball rolling. I stumble - a lot - though I am also a lot harder on myself about things than I should be. I can forgive someone for their worst crime before I will forgive myself for my smallest mistake. So when I'm talking to God, I don't have to start off with small talk or the usual pleasantries. God knows what I have done or didn't do, and He knows how I feel about it. God always knows what I need:

"And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
Matthew, chapter 6, verses 7-8

Me = Babbler. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm fighting the urge to babble on about why I babble as I'm typing this sentence...

This is my introduction. It's not great, it's not even really an introduction. It's more like a sample of what you can expect to see should you be brave enough (or bored enough) to come back, and if you think you're utterly lost as to any direction I may have somehow divulged, well then you understand plenty about me already. My compass spins like a top and the storms are always building on the horizon. God keeps the sails full and my ship moving forward, but it's up to me to keep it pointed in the right direction.
(That's the closest pirate-like symbolism I could go for without being too obvious - now you'll know what to look for in the future. Avast, matey!).

To close this particular page, I want to leave you - the reader (which is only me at the moment) - with a quote that is always there to help me remember which direction true North is:

"What you keep from God, keeps you from God" ~Pastor Jamie Austin~ 

Pretty easy to understand, hmm? If you don't get it, or don't want to, that's OK. Revelation isn't my thing. Oh, I could explain it ninety ways to Saturday, but that would be blabbering again and I would hope we've covered that by now. You let me go on long enough and you'll be sticking your fingers in your ears and going "blah, blah, blah, blah...".

Wait - what was I saying? My fingers were in my ears...

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